Saturday, October 22, 2022

Mario Day!


Over the summer, our admin came up with a "Level Up" theme for this school year.  Taking things to the next level with our teaching and the expectations we have for our scholars.  I took that theme and ran with it for my scholars.  For this year's Rock Your School Day, I decided I wanted to do a Mario Day with my fourth graders.  I got my team on board.  I started to tell others about it and they encouraged me to go to admin about making it a school wide Mario Day!  Admin was all for it!

I gathered and created resources to share with staff.

I of course ALSO had to get a costume!  

My principal announced to the scholars the week before we were going to have Mario Day and it was all the scholars could talk about!  Let me tell you, this was the BEST DAY EVER!!!!

Classroom Decorations:
I decorated my classroom (with help from my co-worker and two parents)!  Here's a video tour.

I covered my door with Mario wrapping paper.  It took the whole roll!

The tablecloth I purchased here.  On the table are tissue boxes that I covered with yellow question marks.  Inside of each box was a math question from the task cards I linked above.

I purchased this photo booth and I did not purposely hang it so Slapshot's face was looking through Mario!  (Slapshot is the Washington Capital's mascot.)  I didn't even realize it until one of my scholars pointed it out!!

I had these hanging all around the room.  Here, they are in my little window by the door.

My scholars are OBSESSED with stickers this year!  So of course I HAD to get Mario stickers for the day!  Honestly, there are enough stickers I could probably give them to every scholar in the school and STILL have enough left over!

Two other things I bought:

Staff Pictures:
I think the staff had as much fun dressing up as the scholars did!  All pictures posted with permission:

My twin! :-)

Peace Circle:
The icebreaker during our peace circle was to work in small groups and create their own gameboard.  This was so much fun!  It took a long time and they didn't want to stop.  We are going to finish this next week.  Here are some pictures of them working together.  They made dice and game pieces.

He matched the tablecloth!  He said it was his finish line!

Math Task Cards:
I split the class up into five groups.  They had to work together to complete the math problems.  There were 24 problems.  After each problem, they came to me to check it.  After I checked it, they received a Mario sticker.  Then they could get the next problem.  Every five questions they received a gold coin.   

The scholars got so into the math activity, that we were late to our special because we lost track of time!!  

I was so impressed with how everyone worked together.  They were all smiles!  It was the best day ever!

Thank you to those who helped me decorate!
Thank you to everyone who shared ideas!
Thank you to GYTO for Rock Your School Day!
Thank you to everyone who participated!
Thank you to admin for liking my outside the box / crazy ideas!

Take care!

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